Tips for a Better Organic Growing

Organic farming is Form of agriculture that doesn’t utilize pesticides or any harmful practices that are kind of industrial farms when growing plants and raising animals for food.

Organic farming depends mostly on the natural breakdown of organic matter, using techniques like crop rotation, green manure, composting and biological pest control.

It makes use of techniques like green manure and composting to replace nutrients taken from the soil by previous crops

Add earthworms to the Farm

Earthworms has a Crucial role in breaking down dead organic matter in a process known as decomposition. Its also responsible for mixing soil layers and incorporating organic matter into the soil.

Plant mustard in the farm and also mix in small flowers. This process helps to prevent animals and insects to your garden and the flowers will attract pollinators to help your garden.

Practice Crop Rotation

Some Closely related plants are affected by the same diseases, Don’t plant them where their relatives grew the year or two before.

Rotating crops to different places of the garden stops disease development and depleting the soil nutrients.

Add Compost to the Garden

Most of the gardens benefit from the compost and you can make it on your own.

Compost feed the plants, it conserves water, cuts down the weeds, and keeps food and yard waste out of landfills by turning garbage into "black gold." Spread compost around plants or mix with potting soil

The best ratio for the compost is right amount of nitrogen- and carbon-rich organic waste, mixed with soil, water, and air.

Testing the soil

For best results for organic garden make sure the soil is in Good Quality . Healthy soil helps build up strong, productive plants.

The best way to know the quality of your soil is to get it tested. For a modest fee you'll get your soil tested and you also get a complete breakdown of pH and nutrient levels, as well as treatment recommendations; be sure to tell them you're going organic

If your garden is affected by pests, it may be a sign of other problems, so the first thing you should do is make sure plants are getting enough light, nutrients, and moisture.

  • Herman Miller Reply
    12 April 2021

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  • Jennifer Freeman Reply
    17 April 2021

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  • Jennifer Freeman Reply
    19 May 2021

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

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